BridgeBuilder HRMS New Feature Updates 2023

Driven by the market demand, digital transformation has been taking place across different industries and human resource management is also one of them hoping to streamline cumbersome workflows and minimize the usage of papers. Meanwhile, in the past few years, ESG has been a hot topic for corporations, urging companies to act and operate sustainably and responsibly in environmental, social, and governance.
The Conventional Paper-intensive Workplace

As we all know, HR department is one of the departments that requires lots of printing, payslip, letter, employee profile filing, taxation etc. BridgeBuilder HRMS (BBHRMS) is required to issue various letters to employees including promotion letters, discretionary bonus letters, warning letters, termination letters, and many others depending on different company policies and needs. Managing such print outs can be time consuming and resource intensive, especially if the process is completely manual and paper-based. Let’s imagine a large-scale company with over 500 employees, where the HR officers are required to manually prepare more than 500 physical payslips on a monthly basis, 500 Taxation form year end, and employee filing for all in and out employees. This would result in the production of at least 6,500 print outs per year. Thanks to the HR tech, many companies have adopted e-payslip and e-taxation. To further improve corporate as a carbon-less environment and enhance the automation & distribution of print outs, especially letters like promotion letters, salary increment, discretionary bonus letters, warning letters, and many others depending on different company policies and needs. Digitizing company letters is therefore the best way! . BBHRMS’s new function helps the HR department to transform a conventional paper-intensive workplace to a paperless office!
Say Goodbye to Paper Chaos and Go Digital with e-letters

With the addition of the new feature, namely “My Letters”, BBHRMS has made it easier for HR departments to issue letters without the need for manual preparation and insertion. The system provides a wide variety of letter templates, including promotion letters, probation completion letters, salary increment, promotion & salary increment etc.,that may come in handy if they need to prepare a large amount of letters especially in peak season. Once they have chosen the appropriate templates, the system will automatically generate the e-letters by extracting relevant information from the system and uploading to the recipient’s account. Employees can view or download their letters by logging into their personal ESS accounts. The new feature is not only beneficial for the HR department, but also the company and employees:
Company Level: Cost-effective and enhanced corporate reputation via ESG The adoption of e-letters can eliminate the need for printing, mailing and storing physical copies, which, in turn, reduces the cost associated with paper usage, postage and storage. Moreover, e-letters are a sustainable option which create a positive impact on the environment due to the reduction of paper waste and carbon emissions associated with printing and mailing. This also aligns with the prevailing trend of ESG stressing on corporate sustainability and social responsibility, which can help companies enhance their public image and reputation.
HR Level: Time saving and easy to track
E-letters offer a faster and more efficient way of communication compared to paper-based workflows. With BBHRMS’s new feature, HR officers can send e-letters instantly via the system and employees can access them easily without any delay. Before introducing “My Letters”, HR officers were often required to send company letters by post or distribute them to each employee manually at the office, which was a time-consuming process. Delays in delivery were also common if the employees were out of office for work or vacation. Moreover, e-letters can be easily tracked and monitored as everything is done via the system, enabling the HR department to maintain good and accurate records of letter issuance.
Employee Level: Enhance security and convenience
The e-letters uploaded to employees’ personal ESS accounts can be encrypted with password to ensure that all sensitive information can be kept confidential without unauthorized access. This is especially important for confidential HR documents such as discretionary bonus and promotion letters. Furthermore, employees can access e-letters conveniently from anywhere without any delay, as long as they have their mobile devices and internet connection with them. Employees no longer need to worry about losing hardcopies and having to request re-issuance from the HR department, bringing extra convenience to both parties.
Moving to the New Era of Paperless Communication
It's becoming increasingly clear that adopting paperless communication is necessary in today's market. This move not only saves costs but also improves communication effectiveness as employees can receive letters instantly. Additionally, going paperless is an eco-friendly approach that every corporation can consider when developing their ESG strategy to fulfill their social responsibility by reducing all possible negative impacts on the environment through decreasing carbon emissions and paper usage. As digitalization continues to transform many aspects of the modern workplace, our next article will focus on how BBHRMS can take your internal communication to the next level by adopting the newly-launched e-news and e-acknowledgement functions!