eTAX is an electronic platform provided by the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD), offering employers and employees a simple, secure and environmentally-friendly channel to fulfill their tax obligations and ensure compliance with the Inland Revenue Ordinance. eTAX provides four main services, including individual tax, property tax, business (company) tax and payment services.
Four Types of Services Offered by eTAX
The services provided by eTAX can be categorized into four groups, including individual, property, business and payment. For more details, please visit the official website of IRD.
The following services are available for Salaries Tax, Property Tax for solely owned properties, Profits Tax for sole proprietorship businesses and Personal Assessment:
Viewing of eTAX Account, Tax Position and Messages
Change of Personal Particulars, Profile and Password
Tax Computation for Salaries Tax and Personal Assessment
Filing of Tax Return – Individuals
Request to Amend Tax Assessment and/or Provisional Tax
Objection to Assessment
Holdover of Provisional Tax
Election for Personal Assessment
Records for pre-filling deduction claims under Tax Return - Individuals
The following services are available for matters relating to properties:
Appointment Booking for Stamp Office Lease Counter Service
Stamping of Property Document
Stamp Duty Computation (Landed properties)
Filing of Property Tax Return for Jointly Owned Properties (BIR57)
Viewing of Property Tax Return for Jointly Owned Properties (BIR57)
The following services are available for matters relating to businesses:
Appointment Booking for Business Registration Counter Services
Business Registration Number Enquiry
Application for Supply of Information on the Business Register
Application for Business or Branch Registration
Application for Exemption from Payment of Business Registration Fee and Levy
Change of Business Registration Particulars
Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of Tax Returns for the Current Year by Tax Representatives
Stamping of Share Transfer Document
Stamp Duty Computation (Share Transfer)
Uploading of Data Files for Required Forms and Supporting Documents to Profits Tax Return
Completion of Profits Tax Return
Submission of Profits Tax Return
Viewing of Profits Tax Return
Filing of Employer's Return / Notification
Stock Borrowing Relief
The following services are available for matters relating to payments:
Payment of Tax Bills, Business Registration Fee & Stamp Duty
Purchase of Tax Reserve Certificates
Advantages of Using eTAX
Increased Efficiency and Convenience
With eTAX, users can file taxes online anytime and anywhere without the need to mail documents or visit the Inland Revenue Department in person, which saves travelling time and efforts. Moreover, the system automatically fills in personal details based on past tax records and extends the submission deadline by one month, reducing the risk of penalties for late submissions. Users can also receive reminders as tax filling and payment deadlines approach, helping them meet their tax obligations on time.
High-Standard Security
eTAX employs high-standard security technologies with stringent safety measures to effectively prevent unauthorized access to the system, ensuring data safety.
Environmental Protection
eTAX allows users to handle tax matters electronically, reducing paper usage and waste, which aligns with principles of environmental protection and sustainability.
Can BridgeBuilder HRMS support eTAX?
YES, BridgeBuilder HRMS supports eTAX, including tax forms IR56B, E, F, G, and M, ensuring compliance with the format and regulations of the IRD, thereby reducing the risk of legal violations. Most importantly, we offer a comprehensive payroll management module and professional payroll outsourcing service that can help you resolve all payroll-related concerns in one go. The system is regularly updated to ensure it aligns with and complies with the latest labor laws.