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BudgetBuilder HRMS

Budget Planning solution

A budget planning solution for any size of company, 
Including small-scale and global-scale enterprises.

Make your budget preparation and planning more timely and accurately with BudgetBuilder, it automates the manual tasks and perform fast execution of large-volume data. Interfacing with various software to access and leverage data, and full excel integration enables to perform a multidimensional analysis which is comprehensive and responsive for planning, forecasting and budgeting, afterwards you can create the appropriate strategy against the market.

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Virtually Zero-adoption required.


Directly working on Excel interface which all financial professionals are familiar with. It makes no additional training and adoption, all users cannot resist this amazing change.

Rolling a re-forecasting with a smile


Tackling the challenges of rapid-changing market, fast and accurate re-forecasting is a critical task. While setting connection and linkages between spreadsheets to make sure all changes are synchronized is a painful process. With us, re-forecasting can be created in the fraction of the time with a few buttons and enjoy a worry-free approach to respond to the market timely.

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Modelling the Scenario to see further beyond


Through modelling the assumptions and examine the alternatives to project the profitability and the future action should be made. Perform what-if analysis, trade-off analysis to judge budget value and adjust the budget wisely.

Gathering all the data souces together 


Data integration with FlexAccount, other family systems and other systems, leveraging data from different source to perform more analytical and comprehensive reports and calculations for the whole picture. 

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Simple to build a powerful dashboard


Create insightful dashboard with a just a few clicks, the rich visualization and drill-down ability assisting management act decisively in moments. With important indicator on dashboard, you can fine-tune monthly forecasting, better support the company development, oversee the budget as a whole.

Fast and Flexible deployment


Deploy the budget solution isn’t difficult when BudgetBuilder is web-based deployment program. According to your preference, Cloud (private/public/Hybrid) and on-premise deployment are also supported.  Moreover, we can integrate data from FlexSystem family software or interface with other systems. 

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Need more details?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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