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BridgeBuilder HRMS x Tech-Trans Invites You to
"Revolutionizing Human Resource Management” Seminar
了解情況和市場需求後,FlexSystem 開發了一套全面的解決方案 BridgeBuilder HRMS (BBHRMS),以優化薪資效率、簡化 HR 運營並改善員工體驗。我們很高興舉辦一場關於“轉變人力資源管理 - 綜合 BridgeBuilder HRMS“ 上2022 年 8 月 25 日(星期四)在灣仔.
不要錯過了解更多關於 BBHRMS 並從行業專業人士那裡獲得見解的機會!
This seminar is a rare opportunity, and seats are limited. PleaseFill in the form below to register and meet with our experts to get the latest industry insights! If you have any inquiries regarding the seminar, please contact us at 3798 4400.
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