Navigating Changes & Challenges:
A Proactive Strategy for the Post-MPF Offsetting Era
As the abolishment of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Offsetting Arrangement approaches this May, employers can no longer use accrued mandatory contributions to offset an employee’s long-service payment (LSP) or severance payment (SP). This shift means that employees' retirement funds will remain intact, as they will no longer be diminished to cover these payments. Yet, employers will bear additional financial burden, having to pay LSP/SP directly to the employee.
To navigate these changes effectively and proactively, what strategies should employers adopt? Are there any measures that employers can implement in advance to ensure a smooth and seamless transition? Additionally, what should employers pay extra attention to when formulating appropriate HR strategies in the post-MPF offsetting era?
If you are still in doubt, don’t miss the opportunity to join our upcoming seminar on the abolishment of MPF Offsetting Arrangement to gain a thorough understanding of the matter. Human Resources professionals will be invited to share legal insights, calculation tips and HR strategies that can not only help you successfully manage the transition but also minimize the costs associated with the new arrangement!
Event Details
Heading 1
1:45pm - 2:00pm
2:10pm - 3:50pm
Speaker: Raymond Fung
3:50pm - 4:10pm
4:10pm - 5:00pm
Speaker: Stephen Lam
Should you have any enquiries regarding the workshop and registration, please contact us at 3798 4400 for more details.